"... For beauty comes in all shapes and sizes: in this case, beauty is dead!"

i could: make her into Galatea from greek myth,, so like Idrila sees this old ass broken fucking statue and like turns it into a "real person" or like posesses it?? or like puts like half her soul into it or something and then sonja has never-ending existential crisis’ on who and what she is!

^^ okay but liek if i did that, id kind of have to change her design a little bit because she would like not have meat inside of her so like maybe her skin is SKIN but her insides are either hollow or stone/ivory. hey but at least the vines and roses fit and stuff

or i could: kinda make her like aventurine where she was from a colony of people (shes canonically kyrgyz) and she was literally living her life and then idrila just had to step in and be like "oh she's mine now" this then causes sonja to have never-ending existential crisis' on who and what she is! however she somehow died a gruesome death and yk died but idrila's soul and sonja's soul is fused. if an aeons soul is in a human vessel, the human vessel will basically be reanimated like nothing happened: the soul of the human vessel would be non existant and only the aeon would remain. HOWEVER because she fused her soul with sonja's, she and sonja continue to live, even with the amalgamation that is sonja's grotesque body... idrila's "essence" slowly but steadily leaves sonja's body, causing her to become more weak and risks sonja of ACTUALLY dying (though she does want this, she eventually rethinks this once starting a relationship with argenti (and possibly boothill))






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Ornate designs and items. For as long as she has been in this galaxy, human or ghost, her fascination with over the top designs grew every passing day. She is not certain when she started caring for such things, but she had the feeling it was after Idrila used her as a vessel. Only being viewed as the Aeon, Idrila. She gets it: technically, she *is* Idrila. But what people (Argenti) fail to realize is that she was Sonja before the Aeon of Beauty. She knows she will never truly be Idrila. She believes being subjected to a name that isn't hers and will never be hers is disrespectful.
Scaring others. Due to her circumstances, Sonja struggled to find peace and happiness for years. To make use of her situation though, she found joy and humor in sneaking up on the unknowing. She does not acknowledge that this is more a coping mechanism than anything else.



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